Fresh Beginning
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#raw, #organic and #coldpressed, Prepared with Passion!
A cleanse fast for beginner with already acquired taste of heavy vegetable juices. We call this Fresh Beginning only because it contains just a little bit of repetition in vegetables and herbs in juices. It still contains 3 real green juices.
This set includes total 6 hearty juices. It contains 16 oz. size each of Flavorade, 1 Trubliss, 1 VimzCarror, 1 Beetit, 1 FennelCare and 1 Almond milk. You can add 2 oz shot of ginger and lemon to further enhance the overall cleansing with improved anti inflammatory response.
Flavorade - Ionized alkaline water, Lemon, ginger and honey
Trubliss- With Spinach, Apple, Cilantro, Ginger and Lemon
Beetit - With Beetroot and Carrot and lemon
FennelCare — With Fennel, Ginger and Lemon
VimzCarrot - Carrot, Orange and Ginger
Almond Milk — Ionized alkaline Water, Raw Almonds, Dates, Vanilla Extract
Ginger-lemon -- 2 oz shot of ginger-lemon. OPTIONAL
Juices are supplied in BPA free plastic bottles.
NOTE: Please allow 24 hours to prepare your order. Add a note in note section for pick up times and number of days of kits you want to pick up at a time. We like you to pic up one day a t a time but we understand if you want to pick up multiple days at a time.
We do not list each ingredients in the juice due to competitive reasons. We will highlight main ingredients as much as possible. Please talk to us if you have concern and want to know everything in case of food allergies or sensitivities.
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